Metka Lebar

Twin Flames 2012 - Co-Creation in Love

Twin Ray Love is the strongest force in the universe, capable of bringing enlightement and joy to all levels of existence. We live in unprecedented times – as at this time Divine Forces of Creation are being embodied as female and male creative principles within those individuals and couples who are willing to open their hearts and take on the atomic energy and  ecstasy of divine love and anchor it on the planet. Twin Flames may meet in the physical or between dimensions. It is the meeting of the divine essence of two individuals, who are  in conscious contact with the Source and with each other.
Before, the meeting of Twin Flames was the final step of the long and slow path of spiritual growth. Their reunion led to their ascension and leaving the Earth plane. Today, at the time when the rising of Earth's vibration is rapidly accelerated, their reunion aims at a different goal - to anchor the energy of the co-creative divine partnership on Earth and to help raise the vibration of the planet even more so it can ascend as well.
In 2012, the year in which the wave of universal consciousness is upon us, the mission of reunited Twin Flames is revealed and the path of the One Heart initiated. Within the Oneness of Universal Consciousness we now discover two Forces of Creation – the male and the female – creating everything that is. We can activate the same forces of creation within us and then fall in love with their reflection in the world before our eyes. It is time to become Co-creators in Love on this wonderful beloved planet Earth!
This workshop is for those who want to go beyond  relationships as we know them, and who are ready to transform and release the old traumas and relationship patterns; for those longing for a spiritual, multi-dimensional partnership and wanting to live an unconditionally joyful and ecstatic life, regardless of whether they are currently in a partnership or not.

Workshop topics:
- Divine partnership, Twin Rays, Twin Flames and Soul Mates
- Invocation of the Twin Ray
- Establishing contact with your I AM presence and your true divine identity
- Returning to your center and aligning with the Divine Plan
- Opening the Heart and merging into the One Heart of All
- Removing barriers to meeting your Twin Flame
- Transformation and release of trauma and old beliefs about partnership
- Energy exercises
- Meditation
- Twin Ray Dance
- Light Codes Activation
- Multi-dimensional Relationships
- Co-creation in Light and Love

Metka Lebar (sLOVEnia) is a workshop leader and a spiritual healer, known for her  Reiki Workshops and Initiations, Egyptian Inner Temple teachings, Color and Sound Healing Treatments, Sacred Geometry and Sacred Sound Workshops, Overtone Singing and Holographic Communication Courses. She is also leading group meditations and spiritual journeys. 
She is a member of the inner circle of Circle of Light, USA.

Also available for Therapies: personal counseling, reiki therapy, healing sound therapy, removal of implants and other energy blockages to spiritual development and to opening to Love and meeting your divine partner.

Metka speaks: Slovene, Croatian, English and German.


Workshops all over Europe
Next: July 20th - 27th 2012, Harmony Program 2012, Pašman, Croatia